hi guys. I know its kind of a nooob question but what do u do after unwrapping. there are many options for me like i can pack the uvs or render uv templates. I mean what is ur workflow after unwrapping ? thanks and cheers !
Hi there! This depends on what you need to do for your project. I'd suggest packing UVs first. Then you can go from there -- you may need to bake down a normal map from a highpoly, start texturing, etc.
To texture it, I'd look for resources along the lines of "texture painting". You may want to use a program like Quixel or Substance Painter to texture your model.
Hello! After unwrapping you'll typically render out a UV
template and start texturing or baking. As Carabiner said though, that you may
want to them start creating additional floating geometry or sculpting higher
level detail to then bake into a normal map although you could have done that
before the UV mapping.
Typically, when you're at a stage of unwrapping, you've got everything ready to
start texturing / adding further detail to the model.
Hey, you might want to look at some tutorials if you are unsure on what you want. Render to Template is the one you would use if you want to create a custom made texture. Check the link to see an entire model creation series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH3CDB_3W4hNoKXXZWdmQS4THky8MPP4i
To texture it, I'd look for resources along the lines of "texture painting". You may want to use a program like Quixel or Substance Painter to texture your model.
Hello! After unwrapping you'll typically render out a UV template and start texturing or baking. As Carabiner said though, that you may want to them start creating additional floating geometry or sculpting higher level detail to then bake into a normal map although you could have done that before the UV mapping.
Typically, when you're at a stage of unwrapping, you've got everything ready to start texturing / adding further detail to the model.
Render to Template is the one you would use if you want to create a custom made texture. Check the link to see an entire model creation series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH3CDB_3W4hNoKXXZWdmQS4THky8MPP4i