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Vaporum - Game Art Showcase

polycounter lvl 4
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lukas.chrapek polycounter lvl 4
Hi all

My name is Lukas Chrapek and I am Lead Artist in Fatbot Games  currently working on game Vaporum
I am one of the four guys working on this game full-time. 

I will be sharing here some pictures of enviroment, characters, props, etc. 
All visual is done by me and my colleague Tibor Repta. My responsibilities are all models, textures, characters, animations, particles, lighting polish and level polish, post-process effects. Tibor is behind of Level Design, lot of block design and art direction and lighting base.  
Used engine is Unity.

All feedback and critique are welcome. Game is right now in Alpha stage. 

Vaporum is a grid-based, single-player & single-character dungeon crawler game seen from the first person perspective in an original steampunk setting. Inspired by old-school games like Dungeon Master I and II, the Eye of the Beholder series, and the most recent Legend of Grimrock I and II.

We are currently on Steam Greenlight. 


Game trailer:

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