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What is your favorite technique for Hull plating sci-fi?

polycounter lvl 8
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Gikkio polycounter lvl 8
Hi guys! 
working on something today, I thought of the many techniques that we have to create the hull plating, important in the sci-fi creations etc.etc ships.


In particular, I think the difference is the "coherence" of the panels.
In general all grafts etc. They must have a certain coherence with the panel.
You as you set?

i start with photoshop some time ago. 
Using this technique 

than on other level i trasform a image take on the net, in various square. like the tutorial.

Then i add some level on the lines to simulate dirt, and sand. mapping it in normal multiple etc
And then duplicate the line level, with BLUR filter, because this help the shadowing of the lines, in render.
This technique is very simple, lightweight, and is also very funny.

Today, basically it is working directly on the model, with soft like substance paiter etc. etc.
What is your favorite technique? what you enjoy most?


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Tiling textures and trim sheets like in Star Citizen. Because it provides you way better resolution than unique texturing, so its nicely usable on huge scale assets too. This also takes much less resources.

    This thread should belong to the technical talk section by the way.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • Gikkio
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    Gikkio polycounter lvl 8
    Obscura said:
    Tiling textures and trim sheets like in Star Citizen. Because it provides you way better resolution than unique texturing, so its nicely usable on huge scale assets too. This also takes much less resources.

    This thread should belong to the technical talk section by the way.
    Is on the resolution i agree, but using tilling texture It does not allow you to have a control on the panels.
    On what areas to put them.
    I believe that on large ships is a very good technique, because the dinesioni the panels are smaller and less visible.
    But on small ships I do not know if it's the best thing.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    You can have additional control edges and then you can make the panels going in any direction/shape. Then its all about smart uving. But basically this is the idea behind trim sheets.
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