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Rendering Animations

polycounter lvl 7
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RKirtlink polycounter lvl 7
I've been trying to find a good way to render out my animations now that I'm putting together my demo reel, but I'm not really sure how to go about doing it in Maya. I've seen a lot of people use a white or solid color curved plane in the background to pick up soft shadows which looks really nice and their renders seem to be really high quality. Does anyone know of any resources that could help me learn how to get started with this?


  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    VP2.0 with DX11 shader covers most things well, pretty easy to setup and very fast. A large cylinder with a few sub-d levels will give a nice curve from ground to background wall. an ambient and 1 directional light covers the basic lighting set up. Load up Maya or Autodesk Ubershader into a DX11 material and wire up the textures to appropriate slots and you're set to playblast at very high quality, as good looking as any current gen AAA games. downsides: SSAO doesn't play well with transparency and self illuminated materials, DOF is lousy. Shadows can get pixelated with large scenes.

    UE4 makes a solid renderer with the new Sequencer tools, handles transparencies better than VP2.0 and many more post effect options, better light and shadows. you do have to learn some basic material creation in UE and might have to adopt your textures. Downsides: more complicated to setup. more settings = more time tweaking. doesn't seem to render audio at the moment, only video. doesn't seem to import camera from maya, whatever camera stuff will have to be redone in UE4.

    Marmoset Toolbag now supports animation and I believe renders out frame sequence, maybe video too.

    If you want to get film quality you have to do something like MRay/VRay etc. much slower, but looks good.
  • RKirtlink
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    RKirtlink polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome, thanks for the info!
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    Little sample of UE4's output, took a few seconds to render. With UE4 you also have APEX cloth plus FX tools, Sequencer can output separate passes for final compositing. You can really jazz up your animations.
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