Hey man, really like the ideas on this page, but its super hard to read. I had to look around for the handle, because it kind of is presented as a barrel and i'm still not sure if we see the entire weapon in 1 piece. To me, the way I read this page is that you have something like the top left corner as the hilt and the bottom right being something like a baton that you actually strike with. I'd put a stick figure holding the weapon or have a hand on the page to show use.
On stuff like grips you want to put a texture that we'll recognize as a grip. Leaving it smooth gives it the same detail density as the bottom right and makes it really hard to distinguish between what end is the damaging end. Detail density on weapons is a hard thing to learn but its by far the most critical thing because anything we interact with our fine motor skills has to be refined for that.
As far as a few places I'd look for presentation, Timur Mutsaev has been absolutely killing it lately with weapon design and for stuff like what you drew I'd specifically look up Gadgetbot's work for Boarderlands 2.
@Greg Westphal hi thank you so much for your response! Is it generally just hard to read, or is it just the handl? Also can you clarify what you mean by "detail density "? This is what It looks likl3 on my ArtStation. Is it any better?
On stuff like grips you want to put a texture that we'll recognize as a grip. Leaving it smooth gives it the same detail density as the bottom right and makes it really hard to distinguish between what end is the damaging end. Detail density on weapons is a hard thing to learn but its by far the most critical thing because anything we interact with our fine motor skills has to be refined for that.
As far as a few places I'd look for presentation, Timur Mutsaev has been absolutely killing it lately with weapon design and for stuff like what you drew I'd specifically look up Gadgetbot's work for Boarderlands 2.