Hi guys,
So i'm working on a generated world which needs to have a stylized japanese/oriental vibe to it.
I'm not happy with the way my scene looks as it is a bit hard to read. Tree areas look like a green blur sometimes and I would love some help and/or tips.
I have changed colors hundreds of times trying out different tints of green but I feel there is something missing. I would also like to create different biomes to give some variation to the land but where do I start? What kind of textures?
Hope someone can give a little advice to improve
Also lots inf intensely saturated colors and contrast in the textures really don't give the eye anywhere to rest - the sky is the easiest thing to looks at because of the value noise elsewhere.
For a fix, try finding a ground/grass color that doesn't clash so hard (red and green fight alot!) and try to vary the hues in your foliage texture.
As for lighting, a rule of thumb, don't cast overhead lighting (exception in certain circumstances ) as you wouldn't get that nice contrast to make your environment pop out a bit more. Find a more dynamic angle. Look at some movies that have strong lighting and study them.
About the lighting, it can't be fixed as it has a dynamic day/night cycle.. (Which probs makes it all a bit harder).
Anyone got tips for different biomes in terms of textures and colors?
- The scene feels far too saturated and a little unpleasant on the eye... I feel this would be something a little more comfortable and would enable you to push your lighting values a little further to get more interesting balances on values between shadow and highlights as a whole.
- The rocks look really clean and don't feel like they belong there... so just paint in some dirt and moss to help it settle into the rest of the environment.
- If you're looking for japanese style theme... I'm pretty sure to sell that theme straight up would be bamboo shoots with some sharp leaves and some funky looking banzai style trees.
- Still some heavy repetition in the ground texture you have there btw. I'd consider using a second variation of that texture to blend with along with.
Sharp Leaves:
Good work so far though, keep it up
I have some bamboo ready but I wanted to save it for another biome with different ground textures. The trees your seeing now need to represent japanese black pines (They need some more work and variation )
Share your thoughts!
Look at horizon zero dawn, Witcher 3, gta 5, all have dynamic D/N cycle but the devs show the more dynamic and beautiful looking screenshots (rarely see any overhead sunlightinf unless it looks really good) . I'd say get the lighting to look more dynamic first.
I like your clouds though!
I also think it would be helpful to make a benchmark by creating a much smaller scene, maybe a fork in the road or something where you can show off some assets and control the composition, before moving on to something as big as you're doing right now. But that's just my opinion. Good luck!