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Additional textures

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Hello guys, i hope you will forgive me for my impatience and laziness. I think some of you can help me figure out this real quick.
I use Substance Painter to make textures. I am really like how my project looks in the S Painter, but my ignorance ruins everything, and in game it's looks far from what i seen before. I don't know anything about additional maps, and want my projects looks good as well as in Painter. There are textures that i can export from Painter.

There are names (types?) textures in some game engines:
(I'd like to know conformity between my export and which ones from the bottom i should replace)

  1. Diffuse (Should be replaced with Base_Color, i guess?)
  2. Specular 
  3. Normal (With Normal?)
  4. Gloss
  5. Occlusion
  6. Emission
Well... I hope you understand me, because i'm not sure about my english, sorry if there any mistakes...

Also, i heard somewhere, that Base_Color, Roughness and Height must be combined in one texture. Fix me if it's wrong.
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