Hey guys! So we're making a little VR game for our final student project. Looking for feedback and critique to make it lots better.
It's still very far from completion but it's a fun challenge. The team consists of myself, a character artist and my partner, a technical artist. We're splitting the environment work.
The lighting is currently just a place holder, so please ignore that a little.
Where the floor meets the wall you want some kind of trim to break up the hard line. Also those areas would be where dirt builds up.
Your floor texture is far too regular and repetitive, you need some variation in those floor boards. Also the normals are far too bumpy and isn't reading like wood to me.
Those photographs are very clean, dirty them up, rip an edge, stain them with age, something like that.
Your wallpaper/plaster texture needs a lot more work, the white areas are reading more like marble than plaster to me.
While your lighting is temporary, remember not to use pure white light, and horror doesn't mean lots of pitch black areas, it means atmosphere and a foreboding feeling. Go and take a look at some successful horror films and look at the scenes just before the jump scare or reveal. How is the tension built, how is it lit. You will find very few of them just have lots of complete darkness.
So remember when you come to light this properly, avoid complete black as much as you can. No point having textured detail if you can't see any of it. Also look at colours that amplify atmosphere and feelings of cold and dread, cool blues, greens etc.
Are you using a large particle effect to try make fog in the room? Doesn't look like it's making a lot of sense, they look like clouds.
It looks like you have an open section in the roof, would look cool to get some blue moonlight coming through that gap, and would also provide a source of localised lighting.
Good luck with the rest of your project.