Are you going for your own stylization of Symmetra, or just recreating her model?
If you are just recreating her, she looks very top-heavy. Her legs look like they can't quite support her. Additionally, her hands are so tiny! Her model would also be more impressive if you put more work into the more intricate parts of her design, like her visor and robotic arm. It also bothers me that the gold edges of her dress are a bit lumpy.
Her face and hair are also a bit flat, and could use a bit more attention.
Keep going! Symmetra is my favorite character to play in Overwatch
Are you going for your own stylization of Symmetra, or just recreating her model?
If you are just recreating her, she looks very top-heavy. Her legs look like they can't quite support her. Additionally, her hands are so tiny! Her model would also be more impressive if you put more work into the more intricate parts of her design, like her visor and robotic arm. It also bothers me that the gold edges of her dress are a bit lumpy.
Her face and hair are also a bit flat, and could use a bit more attention.
Keep going! Symmetra is my favorite character to play in Overwatch