Hello everyone! I've been recently working on the Mark 23 from H&K. I've recently been into weapons as seen on my portfolio. After going through Tim Bergholz for the AKM, I wanted to give this particular weapon a shot. Inspired by the MGS series here. I don't have any progress shots from the modeling portion but I've now started to take screenshots as far as where I am currently at.
I've done the low and high poly and have now baked in SP. Noticed some issues with baking so I'll be doing a second pass through to fix anything I see. One thing was I forgot to copy a few pieces during the export. Mainly on the LAM attachment. Second thing is adding the normals for the grip and LAM as well. As soon as that goes through, I shall begin the texturing process.
I will be posting progress here until done.

Took me a bit to get some of the parts right honestly. This does currently have a normal map, AO, and thickness to name others, but it's missing details from the grip and some from the LAM attachment. I'll be looking to add this in as well.
And I eventually need to get an environment going. Saw some of your work on it and I really dig. I need jump into some Zbrush myself as well.
Ran into some minor baking issues. After my initial unwrap, I went back to refine a few things as I had made some changes as well. So the unwrap was a bit wonky, which I fixed. Only issue now is the ID map. I shall be looking more into it as I was needing it to get some more details in.