I have two fill effects applied to fill layers behaving differently in Painter, and I'm totally confused as to why.
Fill layer #1
There's a smart material in the Painter shelf called "Plastic Hexagon" or something like that. It's a Base Color fill with a fill effect applied to the layer. The fill effect contains a height and base color channel, is set to overlay at 20%. The opacity of the fill effect changes when I adjust this slider.

Fill Layer #2
I tried to recreate the effect on another layer (I wanted to make something like frosted glass.), so I tried to replicate the effect from the smart material.
- I created a fill layer
- I added a fill effect with base color and height channels
But wait! This fill layer
has different inputs options for the height and base color channels. Also,
changing the opacity or blending mode also has no effect on the intensity of the effect. This is not expected behavior, based on the other fill effect.

Why doesn't this fill effect behave like the other one? It's driving me nuts.
I did not know that about effects adjustments only affecting the active channel. That makes a lot of sense! Thanks @Bek!
There is so much about painter I still don't understand.