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Alpha exporting from zBrush

polycounter lvl 4
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yapasddfgg polycounter lvl 4
Hi guys!
I'm trying to create a simple alpha pack for myself and while doing so i ran into a problem. 
I modeled all the parts that I'll eventually turn into alphas in Maya: 
Then I exported one of those in zBrush, then the usual stuff: grabDoc > standard > DragRect
After I've had enough time with Alpha settings (such as MidValue, Radial Fade etc.) I got the result i wanted

This is Standard brush with DragRect, 85 MidValue, 4 Radial Fade and -0.01 Intensity.
And just as I thought its all gucci and ready to go I've ran into a huge problem that I don't know how to deal with. 
The thing is that when i tried to export alpha after several attempts I realized that zbrush exports it without capturing all the adjustments that I've made in the Alpha settings. So when I imported back the exported Alpha it looked just the way it was in the first place, before all the tweaking in settings. 
Can someone, please, explain, how do you export an Alpha from zBrush, or is there another way to create alpha since I got it all modelled in Maya?


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