Hello guys I'm 20, sorry in advance for the poor english i'm french.
ok... now the real question is : if I have already finish school (the cours was on one year) and its been 4 mouth and every companie that reply to my application say ''you don't have enough experience'' should I continue upgrading my portfolio?
Or grab the opportunity to go study anywhere in whatever school thanks to my dad. But I feel going back to school will be a waste of money because I think I know what to improve and i can use the big internet to learn new thing?
if any of this make any sence plz yelp and if not say it and I will try to
PF: https://www.artstation.com/artist/williamnoreau
If you know what to improve improve it, like why not?
i cant really put the pros and cons next to eachother for you cause i dont know you exact situations and the exact choices you can make and i dont have information for you that can give you enough pros or cons to doe eather one of them. I am sorry.
To basically sum it up, school is great, but do keep in mind portfolio > resume.