I started a new project I would like to share with you.
Based on the Spider Mech 05 concept of
@Stinger88 I'm going to create a 3D model.
I'm planning to use Substance Designer and Painter as an exercise for the texturing.
C&C is very welcome!
At the moment I'm not so sure what to do with the exposed areas at the back under the pod, maybe some greebles will work.
Added some missiles to the pod, other than that I tried to stick to the concept as much as possible.
In the meantime I made some rough variants for the turret, the drawing has not many details in that area.
One critique regarding the sketch. My version is a little chunkier. So a slightly wider body and the middle section plate thing needs bringing forward a little. And the back end a bit larger,
Your version looks a bit sleeker and that might be a good thing depending on what direction you'd like to take it. If you want to go with that please feel free to do so.
Another slight crit is that the front feet are flat on the ground, giving it a beetle look. For a spider look put it more on its tip toes.
I can help give quick sketch ideas for other areas if you'd like me to fill in gaps that cant be seen. But only if you want them. That said, Go crazy and have fun with it.
Anyway, will be watching!
Looks better a bit chunkier.
Right about the feet as well, should be all tip toe. I will rig the legs later, now I just rotated them manually.
Maybe they should get smaller from back to front, just a bit.
Would be awesome to have more sketches, if you find the time to create some I'm happy to utilise them.
Turret was misplaced, put it in the correct spot now.
Here are the current lower legs, high poly parts and low/mid poly parts for the plating with custom normals.
I don't plan to add more details into the model at this point, I will add a few later in Substance.
Very cool man. keep it comeing
Just a clue you can focus on when you create your own design.
might be possible to hook something with them, but they are a bit short.
I'll give it a try and see how it looks longer, more "hooky".
Thank you, though I don't fully understand what you mean.
The joins are similar to the ones shown in you roach picture.
Can you explain a bit more in detail?
here is my own rig test from my project:
that said. If Prime8 feels like incorporating your suggestion I'd also welcome seeing how it looks with more articulation. As you do have a valid point when it comes to a spiders anatomy.
@JHS : had a look over your other stuff on Sketchfab. Very cool man! You got an artstation I can follow?
Also @Prime8 : I hope I'm not coming across as sounding like some kind of art director here and spamming your thread with feedback and comments. Don't feel like you'll offend me if you ignore any suggestions I have. Take the design is any direction you like.
I'll stick with the current leg configuration and not add additional joints.
I pose them at the moment in a mid position, I will not reach such a minimum reach as in the image with the current joints, though it should be fine. When I finished the upper leg i post a min and max position as well.
I second that, just realised I know your stuff from the SC Forum, awesome! That railgun... love it.
What also comes to my mind is that it would be harder to overcome debris/stones on the ground, because the legs needs to be held up higher then. But it´s just thinking about it, no criticism to change it.
I´m modelling only for fun as a hobby now, i don´t have any portfolio out there than sketchfab.
I added the small pads to the toes to have it a bit less pointy. Of course they are still way to small to avoid sinking in with such a heavy mech, however I tried bigger pads as well but felt that it took away too much of the concept tip-toeing.
I'll sacrifice the realism on that part... and probably many others
Good point with the debris and obstacles, thought I think it would be able to lift the legs at least as high as the lowest part of the main body (turret).
I will check the whole leg movement before finalizing the leg joint geometry. Maybe I do a walk cycle test.
Your work is coming along very nicely, unsure if you have looked into it yet, but the Devil Walker from Destiny may give you some nice reference to look at, especially its movement during combat just to see how the weight of it may have influence on your design, I really like the chunky look to the model and the proportions, Maybe also have a look at the "Quad leg" from Armoured core.
Looking forward to seeing more
Originally I didn't think about rigging or even animating that thing, but I should to it too.
Don't know much about it, will be another exercise.