Hello everyone and thank you for reading this post. I was the
co-producer for Shadowark Studios for several months. The team had a
falling out and the leader decided the project was dead. I've taken over
the project and started Silent Cry Studios. I need to build a team of
15 - 20 people in order to build this game. We had 10 active people at
Shadowark Studios and many are merging over.
[The Project]
The current project is
Runes of Knightslore, which is a 3D RPG.
There are five main kingdoms in the world of Knightslore and each leader
is a Rune Knight. The rune knights have an elemental rune which gives
them the ability of that element. Four of the runes were stolen and
before the fifth one was stolen, news reached that kingdom and a trap
was set, catching and killing the thief. The fire rune knight Nichol
must use the fire runes ability to track down and recover the other
runes to restore peace and harmony to Knightslore.
[My Background]
I've been using blender for about 7 or 8 years now. Also I've been
taking the complete blender course, which is a professional course at
udemy. I do modeling, rendering, I've dabbled with animation and
rigging, etc. Also at work and home I do 2D layouts and textures and
I've created the interfaces and menus for this project.Also I used to be
a web designer and can build the website.
[People Needed]
The following people are needed for this project:
ProgrammersModelers for Environment, Objects and CharactersLevel DesignersMusic ComposersVoice ActorsTexture ArtistsLevel DesignersAnimator/RiggerStory / Dialogue Writers
Some of these people we already have, but need additional.
[Payment and Commercial Details]
Once a beta test is made, we will be putting this on kickstarter.
Funding will go to team members, advertising, company website with the
game, etc.
[How to Apply]
I am very active on this forum, so you can either just reply to this post or send me a PM. I should respond within 24 hours max.
[Screenshots, Artwork, etc]