Hey guys. I have a model that i am trying to texture. I have baked out all of my maps, and unwrapped all of the objects. I have checked all of the proper checkboxes and followed the Blender to Quixel Suite tutorial, but when I go to import it throws the following error:

I also had an issue where the app wouldn't open any longer, so I just reinstalled it to a new filepath and its still throwing the same error. I checked my OBJ file and it does have the "vt" which go from 0 to 1, in the proper groups.

I have tried this with every file format that blender can export, it still throws the same error. I went thru my blend file and made sure that all of the UVs were unwrapped and linked to their objects.
Screenshot of the main body object, but all the objects have UV maps unwrapped:

Dropbox link to OBJ:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn7fx7z448wligo/samplegamecharacter4.obj?dl=0This is my first use of Quixel Suite, I'd really like to include this in my workflow so I can work on my 3D portfolio. Any help with this issue is appreciated.
Running latest Mac OSX with a VBox install of Windows 10 with 8 GBs RAM assigned.
One note: Macintosh systems are not supported at all by Quixel Suite. An upcoming (no ETA) update will add compatibility. Keep this in mind if any other errors pop up. There's very little we can do about Mac-specific problems until an official compatibility update is released.
As for the mesh, I will look back into it, but I did go thru it again before I posted it and made sure all UVs were unwrapped. Could there be another reason?
You're running Suite on Windows on a PC now, or still using a Macintosh to run Windows via VBox? The latter is not supported. The former would be.