Hi Polycounters! Working on an abandoned hallway environment right now. I found an image that I thought looked really nice, I'm not going to follow the it 100%, more just use it as a referance to start from. The biggest focus of this project is to have nice materials and nice lighting.

Getting close to done I think. I'm gonna add open doors on the left side as the reference. Still tweaking the lighting, when i'm looking at the older pictures I think this one maybe have a little bit too much yellow in the light. What do you guys think? Any feedback about how i can take this scene to the next level is very appreciated!!
Alternativley, you could do that bouncecard lighting. mentioned here:
Your hallway is looking awesome! I'd recommend moving the camera down to at least eye level- you could emphasize the height of the room that way, and avoid some horizontal tangents.
Anyway,it looks awesome good job!