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Where can I get a grant?

polycounter lvl 6
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Jaykrass polycounter lvl 6
I'm curious as to where I can get a grant for 3d modeling and media arts.
I've looked around on google and can't seem to find anything but articles about people who have gotten grants and/or I go to a website only to find what I'm not looking for.
I've changed my mind about going to A.i. and decided I wanted to go along with one on one tutoring on CG spectrum (anyone got opinions on them?) I saw an Ad for them on Art station so I figured they must be legit if Art Station is allowing them to advertise on the site.

It's about 3k for a trimester or 9k for an upfront payment, soooo much cheaper than getting a certificate in 3d modeling for A.i. online courses which is 20k for a year.
The personal tutoring is pretty much mainly what I'm looking for and want out of it all, I also still need to afford a new computer about $700 worth, I would have bought one myself but I just recently had to cough up a months worth of pay to help my pops out with his rent ($500)...

Any advice/sources? I looked around a bit on the websites forum search function and couldn't find anything on the matter, unless I'm wrong or I missed something then I'll be happy if you redirect me.
My laptops getting to the point of utter uselessness.


  • Eric Chadwick
    Where do you live? Usually scholarships/grants depend on where you live.

    I would contact CG Spectrum first, see what opportunities they offer. They seem to have a scholarship program, though it currently says closed, I would just contact them directly to ask about future ones.

    Also see this page, there's something about "Student review procedures for re-crediting a fee-help balance" https://www.cgspectrum.edu.au/procedure-policy. They mention VET FEE-HELP, which when googled gets you:
    VET FEE-HELP is a Government loan scheme that assists eligible students to pay their tuition fees for higher-level vocational education and training (VET) courses (at the diploma-level and above) undertaken at approved providers.

  • Jaykrass
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    Jaykrass polycounter lvl 6
    wow, I can't believe I missed that, thanks lol.
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