Let's say you modeled some kind of engine/mech/weapon/alien crap, and it's got many tiny bits and pieces and shapes going on. Now you want to texture it(without being a cheapsteak and using Substance Auto-Painter 3000). How are you gonna do this?
A). 3D paint it in ZBrush/whatever, and somehow try to show/hide polys so you can paint all the little bits? (very easy/simple, but maybe not possible with certain software?)
B ). Mainly use procedural texturing in modo/whatever, and then 3D & 2D paint on the extra deets? (very technical/tedious to do, but more accurate?)
C). ..?
What is the best method for this stuff today.. ?
Best 3D painting tool(for all model types and art styles)?
- ZBrush/Mudbox/3D Coat/etc
- Quixel Suite
- Something else..?
Which fancy texturing plugins/specialized softwares are truly keepers vs gimmicks: Knald, Quixel Suite, Substance, Filter Forge, Etc?
I'd probably do like 8 2k texture sets in Photoshop and hand paint it using your baked maps as guides. Then just copy and paste layers from .psd to .psd to match values on all of the parts.
Now on topic, it really depends. You could use layered materials if you really feel it's necessary or even some high resolution texture, or just using a specific tileable material for a specific part.
For real, there are so many ways, it's better to do as Teriyaki says and try it yourself.
I've been wishing for a better 3D painter than what Photoshop's 3D and/or ZBrush/Mudbox has to offer, so Quixel may be what I'm looking for. (keeping the pipeline minimal, and not including 3D Coat just for painting, for example)
Or, perhaps Substance and Quixel are more similar than I thought. . .
But perhaps you should try substance, before you call it cheapsteak. It could sound like exactly what you need.
-thumb up-