Hello, I am a beginner! Tips welcome, I will try my best to respond daily.
Note that I have created two threads in the past without knowing you simply create one thread, then append to it daily. Moderators, please remove the last two threads if possible (
here and
here). I have gone ahead and made replies to this thead with
Day 1Reference
Day 2![Image: http://image.prntscr.com/image/758adc85523049e6a0bd2ea5a4f0efce.png](http://image.prntscr.com/image/758adc85523049e6a0bd2ea5a4f0efce.png)
My goal with this is to just learn new tools in the 3d application of my choice.
Was just playing around with a Cylinder. One thing lead to another, and I just kept complicating the mesh and some how I got something that resembles a hat. Also managed to learn Edge extend which I will take as a win.
I have added the little side detail. I have a thread in "HOw the fuck do i model this" in technical talk. Please do check it out.
I started learning Sculpting instead. This is my first sculpt ever. I did this using SculptGL because.. FUCK Zbrush