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Learning how to basic human anatomy..!

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Hi there!

I feel slightly intimidated being in this sphere of awesome 3D artists, but I decided I'd not be shy and post some stuff anyway - without critique I won't be moving any way (if any it'd be backwards)! 

On this thread I plan to post my progress on learning how to sculpt the basic anatomy of a human being. I saw a guy in 2nd year do it and he got a lot of great feedback that helped him progress a lot! I'm a feeble 1st grader with little to no previous experience on human anatomy, and zBrush hasn't been part of my life/focus for too long either. However I'm pretty sure zBrush is the way I want to take, and being a year early with practice never hurt anyone!

So without further ado, here goes nothing:

01.12.2016: "First real attempt at a human face"

Used pretty much no references for this one if I remember correctly - my mindset was focused on making sculpts purely from memory. I've grown to learn this is a very poor idea however, which is easily seen by the anatomy of this person's face, as well as the glossy material I added in an attempt to hide the most significant errors.


Picked up the pen again and tried again for a human face. This time I used references! With some aid from my teacher as well, I got a quick but effective lesson on how a human head works.


Tried to make this one using my memmory again! I feel like I've gotten significantly more confident with my strokes in this one as opposed to the last one, and I'm not being too ginger with my sculpting any more. I refrain from making small moves, and instead go in with the tough end of the brush to get the shapes in there faster. This head turned out too long, and it also looks a bit too square in my opinion. Got redlines from my teacher that I used for the next one!


More memory! I paid attention to my teacher's redlines and tried to rereate the last one but attempting to heed his instructions. I personally don't like this one that much, but I suppose it could look cool as a sort of cartoony head! I'm not shooting for 100% realism with my sculpts - so far it's mainly about getting the proportions right and not the details.

Did another the same day heeding my own errors. Still only working on proportions and sizes of the face, this time also trying to get more shapes into the head and not too much in details (type ears+mouth+eyes).

Using 1 hour on each of these to keep the time within the same limits.

Be harsh if you please, I'm happy for any and all critique!


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