Also noticed also other anomalies. 1 for exaple is when i changed polygon Subdiv axis from 20 something else i lost also the middle ring. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?
First of all deleting edges doesn't delete the actual face/geometry, so what happens is it leaves a big Ngon on the back, you can test this by switching to face mode and moving the mouse around you will see the Ngon in pre selection. So if you want to get rid of that geometry, select faces instead of edges to delete.
As for changing the primitive properties, maya kind of sucks in that regard if you have done any sort of manual changes to the geometry. Changing the properties such as sub divisions results in weird stuff as you may have noticed.
But now has other issue. You see that subdivisions is set to 2
But inner circle is gone
As for changing the primitive properties, maya kind of sucks in that regard if you have done any sort of manual changes to the geometry. Changing the properties such as sub divisions results in weird stuff as you may have noticed.