Hey guys.
I'm trying to use the Path Deform binding modifier in 3DS max to build my tank treads. I have 6 pieces which I've duplicated to create one long track. It looks okay but when viewed up close the mesh is deforming horribly. I've normalized the spline and played about with using more/less pieces but it always ends with the same skewed result.
Any ideas on how to fix something like this?
Thank you in advance!
I think there is no way to deform that mesh without distortion. I would suggest you using a Path Constrain controller and one single chain link instanced multiple times.
- Create a spline and apply a Normalize modifier.
- Create a chain link and place the pivot on the axes center.
- Apply a Path Constrain controller to the position of the chain link,
- Pick the spline.
- Check the Follow option in Path Constrain to modify the rotation of the chain link.
- Clone Instance the Chain Link, and in the Path Constrain controller set the path position so that the two chain links look connected. Remember this value!
- Repeat until you have all your chain links, adding the original delta value every time, or write a script to do this for you in one run.
A problem with this method is that the spline cannot be animated, but if you do a script, you can fix this problem every frame. Another option is to apply a modifier that trims the spline after certain length!
Good luck!