Hey guys!
I'm having issues rendering my normal maps in both Max and Maya. I seem to get the hard edges seen in the photo below, regardless of reversing normals, softening edges, setting normals to face, etc. I've tried rendering with VRay and Arnold. I did the retopo in Togogun and baked out the normal map there, too. The weird thing is that when I bring the mesh into Substance Painter and use the normal map there, it looks completely normal. Any ideas?
-I only have VRay for 3Ds Max currently. How would I check the node there? And is there something I need to do with the nodes for Arnold in Maya? (Any screenshots you may have would would be super helpful)
-For the Y channel, I can just invert this in Photoshop, right?
-RAW colorspace - how do I check that in either Max or Maya?
-I haven't subdivided the geo, but just use soften edges.... not sure if that makes a difference
Much appreciated.
In Max, I had to use a gamma override of 1.0 on the normal material. I also had to fix the normals on the geo itself using this script:
In Maya, I exported the corrected mesh and used smooth preview or made sure to use catclark subdivision smoothing with enough iterations.