I dont know how to call it but i wanted to make a thread for people who wants to share shading networks made in arnold with textures made procedurally. I'm still learning about that topic and its amazing what you can do with a bit of knowledge of how diferent nodes work together
For this i make two alPatterns and i combine them in a layer1 with his alpha so i get a checker then i plug a noise in the max value of a remap node of the layer so i get the pattterns distorted then i remap again for the bump map and i make a alLayerColor for the colors of the stones and the concrete. i can change the colors individually for the concrete and stones by plugging the patterns remaped in the alpha of the second layer.
Post another procedural textures you did with arnold and the shading network so we can all learn anything!
PD: Any criticism about what i did and ways to do it better are welcome too.