Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this situation. I have this door I'm working on and something strange is happening with it. I have it where i have it where the door has multiple objects when I export it, as a frame, door, and handle. When I do the door it has it where this extra detail on its uv map that isn't there on the 3ds max program. I double check the uv and don't see where it is. I will say if I just export the door part by itself it not there but when I export it with other objects as an fbx, it has these extra stuff.
Here this is how the uv comes in with the door by itself

Now if I export the fbx with other things as in other materials for it with their own material assign

Anyone encounter this problem before
I figure out the situation. I don't know how to delete this but it seem I had it where two assets had the same material of course they were seperate uvs but they had it they overlapped each other.