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Who's buying a Switch?

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Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
This will be the first console I've bought since the gamecube/ps2 generation.  For me gaming has become a bit stale in many respects so I'm looking forward to jumping into this blind and seeing if I come away surprised. I had some reservations about the hardware but it seems to manage that sweet spot between nice looking on portable and acceptable on TV; I think a lot of Wii U games still hold up visually so it's nice that Switch is more than a marginal upgrade over that system.

Zelda looks like the bees knees. Anyone else preorder, what games are you getting?


  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    Might pick it up if there were more game selections. I'm not really a big Nintendo fan and I haven't got a Nintendo console since the Gamecube - mainly cause there were some third party games they had on it. Thought about a Wii or a Wii U, but never got around to it. Now if they had the new Mass Effect on it.... 
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    On my to get list but since my Midi Keyboard decided to bite the dust it will have to wait.
  • Swaggletooth
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    Swaggletooth polycounter lvl 5
    I must admit I'm tempted. It's frustrating to see all these really nice exclusives coming out on Nintendo and Sony platforms without any chance of PC ports - but at the same time, it's great to see the games industry churning out such exciting stuff again for consoles rather than just treating them as the poor equivalent of PCs.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    The new Zelda really got me thinking about it...but Im not gonna by a console for just one game, so I guess not :/
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    tempted... still gotta wait till it comes to China
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    Also tempted, but looking at the game release calendar it looks like it's gonna be a loooong time until there's enough games i care about to justify a buy. "Only" Zelda at launch is not much. Splattoon 2 in summer, and then?  Where's the Smash, (new) Mario Kart, FZero, Starfox, Metroid, Mario Party, Pokemon, Megaman, etc? 
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Gonna get the Wii U version of Zelda for now. Gonna get the Switch closer to Christmas.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Looks awesome but too much cool stuff on PS4 to catch up with right now and wanna wait for some Switch games to come out first.... maybe pick one up later in the year :D
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    I think they are simply targeting a different niche. They don't want to compete in the "console wars" with PS4/Xbox for the best hardware/graphics. They are comfortly sitting in the low budget & unique niche with all their recent games/consoles and I don't expect them to push out of that niche anytime soon.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It's really tempting, but I want to wait until a Switch revision and/or a larger library. There's a few small issues that bother me, the controls being a bit small and awkward. The USB type C charging port on the bottom wont allow you to charge and play with the kickstand. 
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    After a few days it's growing on me. I had some reservations at first, there's a few nagging first generation problems for sure, but beyond that I'm finding it to be more than the sum of its parts. It's easy to say it's just a weak tablet with two dinky controllers, but the more I play the more it opens itself up as a unique gaming experience. There was a story recently about a woman who played 1,2 switch for several hours with her blind husband-- apparently cause of the HD rumble thing, which is something you wouldn't expect of a game console. I heard another of a guy playing bomberman on a plane with the passenger next to him. I think there's a lot of genuinely cool things Nintendo has tapped into, that eclipse the need for hi-rez graphix, which every other platform on the market pursues.

    A few impressions: the joycons with the grip is a lot more comfortable than I thought. It seems like there would be some weird spacing tension because of the design, but it feels natural, at least to me. I haven't played much in handheld mode but the screen is surprisingly adequate for 720p. The only game I've been playing is Zelda, which is everything people say it is, and a system seller for sure. But I agree that waiting would probably be the smartest (just avoid reading anything about it), by xmas there will be a respectable line up of first party games and indies, and maybe some discounts.
  • Swaggletooth
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    Swaggletooth polycounter lvl 5
    I had some colleagues bring theirs into work today... it does look extremely awesome. It seems like such an obvious idea when you see it too: a handheld console with native support for a TV or monitor. Apparently the docking station is cheap and nasty, but the console itself looks so nice... and actually seeing them quickly put any doubts I had to sleep.

    I'll wait a while longer before I decide to buy one, in the meantime I'll be jealous of the people who have them!
  • slipsius
    I picked up Zelda for ps4 over the weekend. Though, they renamed it Horizon Zero Dawn for some reason. Great game! 
  • Asura
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    Asura greentooth
    I picked up the switch and I'm liking it a lot but I will say its definitely not worth it if you aren't a Nintendo mega-fan. It unfortunately still falls in the same place as the WiiU as being a bit late to this current gen but even worse it cant play current gen games. 

    Played about 10 hrs so far of Zelda on it and did notice frequent frame drops in docked mode when fighting more than 4 enemies. Polycounts on most of the assets are pretty low too so the only other things I could think of for the frame issues is all the insanely sexy grass or the particles. 
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Not sure if Zelda is the best test of the hardware, some say compromises had to be made developing the game on 2 systems with different architectures. It's obvious that parity between all 3 versions was a goal, since they're so similar. 

    For me Zelda's visuals range from bland to stunning, and for the most part it looks really good on my 40"  4k. The art direction is really strong.
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    Breath of the Wild is one of the best games I've ever played. Probably the best Zelda also.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator


    Also got zelda for the wiiu, gonna get a switch when we get a monster hunter
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