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polycounter lvl 11
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Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
i recently bought this snowboard Nitro swindle 2013  Camper,  does any of you snowboarding too? i'v been snowboarding since 2011
my previous board was a D ceant   a cheap one and heavy almost zero flexebility was very hard to do turns, i tried a similar board to the new one and it seemed to me  to be 5 times lighter than my first board, so i went and bought a similar one, any thoughts on my new board?


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The graphics look sick, that's for sure! I have a pretty stiff and long (haha) board. A month ago I tried my roommates park board (short and bendy) and to tell you the truth, I couldn't really get into it. Really easy to turn and the like, but it was harder to catch an edge with it, compared to mine. My board seems better suited for going faster and hitting steeper runs, which I like to do a lot.

    Actually broke my back 3 weeks ago doing a jump, and got a video of it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gh7XCueJY0
    Don't judge, that was my first time going off a jump that fast. Cypress in Vancouver. I'm kinda choked I'm missing out on the rest of the season, but I got pretty lucky with where the break was (no nerve damage).
  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
    The graphics look sick, that's for sure! I have a pretty stiff and long (haha) board. A month ago I tried my roommates park board (short and bendy) and to tell you the truth, I couldn't really get into it. Really easy to turn and the like, but it was harder to catch an edge with it, compared to mine. My board seems better suited for going faster and hitting steeper runs, which I like to do a lot.

    Actually broke my back 3 weeks ago doing a jump, and got a video of it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gh7XCueJY0
    Don't judge, that was my first time going off a jump that fast. Cypress in Vancouver. I'm kinda choked I'm missing out on the rest of the season, but I got pretty lucky with where the break was (no nerve damage).
    wow man did u actualy broke your back?  or was just a metaphor? if u did how bad is it?
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I wish it was a metaphor! My L4 (lumbar) vertebrae was compressed by 50%. Was in the hospital for 7 days before they let me go. Now I've gotta wear a back brace for 2-3 months and do physio after that. Really really hurt when it happened and couldn't wait for then to inject me with anything.

    Was pumped to work on my portfolio with all this time off work, but I accidentally dropped my laptop off the bed two days ago and smashed the screen, so I'm spending the next 5 days playing Witcher 3 until the shop fixes it.

    Enough about me though; where do you board? What kind of boarding do you like the most?
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    Damn, sorry to hear that Asher! Hope you're ready to ride again next season. I don't board, 2 planks for life! I do appreciate all the snowboard tech that has improved skis over the years. I'm currently on these. Powder days are the best days, but I'll have fun on just about any terrain or conditions (no moguls though please). We have some good mountains here in the PNW, but Crystal is probably my favorite if I had to pick one. Best apres ski bar in Washington hands down. 
  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
    i'vbeen skiing since 7 years old and  switched to snowboard at my 18 i am 26 now,  i snowboard in greece, all the mountains around my city are around from 1 and 20 min to 3 hours, closest mountain is olymbus, next week i'l go to  kalavrita for 4 days great slopes with a big park and full of jumps, i used to ride a very stiff and heavy board 163, now i bought a new nitro board 7/10 flexibility and 155height very light to ride and its an all mountain board and forgivible too, but motsly is for parks

  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
    mostly to be honest i avoid doing lots of jumps, mostly i enjoy the rides with music on, and have fun in the park and everything in moderation to avoid injures, i am not the kind a guy whos gona do a trick to impress my friends or so, i ride for my self,  something we greeks we use to say,  Take care of your clothes so you can have the half of them
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    @jStins I hope I'm ready for next season too!

    I'm gonna avoid jumps for a while. They are really fun, but it's my first year doing jumps and I've broken one of the worst things you can break. Can't wait to get up there again and start exploring. I'm actually going to buy the new game Steep to get my fix now and through the summer.
  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
    the new snowboard i bought is nuts amazing board so easy to control and so light gonna post a video soon of my self w8ing for a mate to send me the videos
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Cool board! I got all equipped this year myself in the hope of really doing this snowboard thing more often (started last year)
    I took a tiny fall a month ago, broke the fall with on wrist, fractured it in the process.
    Might have been my last time unfortunatly, you guys invest in a good protective wrist brace, as artists our hands are our money maker, take care of them :)
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    Yeah feel that.

    I've taken a few dings over the years, though non-piste related and consequently paying for it. As a suggestion you might want to browse through what inline skating protective gear has on offer, the wrist protectors especially are of a quite robust build quality hence IMHO mitigate further injury which I can vouch for first hand. (...no pun intended)

    @Eleszar1 that board is off the hook, those graphics are extremely cool, wish I'd picked a different route for fun back in my younger days otherwise I'd be hitting it hard on the powder right now :/ also @Ashervisalishope everything goes well with your recovery man! all the best. 

  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
     broke the fall with on wrist, fractured it in the process.

    Ouch mate! always fall with your body! my friend this year did for first time and fractured 3 limbs but doctor said he will be fine in a matter of 2 weeks, and almoste broke his wrist too, i never got indured all these years only 1 time my wrist and i learned from that not to use your palm when u fall! 
    sacboi said:

    Yeah feel that.

    I've taken a few dings over the years, though non-piste related and consequently paying for it. As a suggestion you might want to browse through what inline skating protective gear has on offer, the wrist protectors especially are of a quite robust build quality hence IMHO mitigate further injury which I can vouch for first hand. (...no pun intended)

    @Eleszar1 that board is off the hook, those graphics are extremely cool, wish I'd picked a different route for fun back in my younger days otherwise I'd be hitting it hard on the powder right now :/ also @Ashervisalishope everything goes well with your recovery man! all the best. 

    oh man so many injured peope here,  when i go off piste always be sure first to check the route the first time by going slowly then i ride it!
    but motsly i avoid off piste routes! because there are tiny stones or tree branches specialy now with my new board dont wana ruin it from the first 2 years ,  how can i post a FB video here? i'l show you my latest chill ride
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    @Eleszar1 yah it's easy to fall on your forearm instead on your wrist when you fall foward, when you fall backward and worry about hitting your head on ice its harder not to instinctively get your hands out to protect yourself :(
  • Eleszar1
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    Eleszar1 polycounter lvl 11
    Tits said:
    @Eleszar1 yah it's easy to fall on your forearm instead on your wrist when you fall foward, when you fall backward and worry about hitting your head on ice its harder not to instinctively get your hands out to protect yourself :(
    slam with your shoulders or with your whole body so the impact will be shared all over your body instead into one place, and i always wear a helmet saved me twice
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