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Keeping best model compatibility between Blender and 3DS Max

I'm trying to make a model mod for a Gamebryo based game, but the last 3DS Max plugin is for 2010 while I use 2017 and are incompatible, so my only option is to import the model into Blender, where the plugin still works, and then export it as FBX for 3DS Max. There's an issue though. The Blender FBX plugin seems not to embed the textures into the file ("Embed media" function during FBX export in max) and puts this garbage onto the bones/dummies that I can't manipulate with or remove. 

Also if I use anything else in Blender other than the default blender scaling, it screws up the model scaling in game. 

So, I have 2 questions.
How do I stop Blender for throwing garbage into the FBX file?
What is the default blender unit in 3DS Max?
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