So I've been out of the loop for a while and have always been rubbish with UV's.
I dont understand this forum now and how to show images, but the link is below.'ve unwrapped, it as a Cylinder in modo but it doesnt seem that great. Does all that stretching even matter? Should I try each part separately and stitching them or maybe another method altogether atlus or maybe unwrap it?
Stretching can either be not too bad or a total disaster depending on how you plan on texturing it, if its a handpainted texture using 3D painting to paint then you'll probably be alright if you wanted to leave it as it is. Anything else I wouldn't recommend though.
Quixel and Substance both have docs outlining best practices for unwrapping meshes for texturing (spoiler: They suggest minimizing stretching)
depending on the texture you can get away with some stretching
usually anything with grungy random stuff allows for more stretching than anything with clear patterns