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UI Artist - Wayforward - Santa Clarita

polycounter lvl 12
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damon_d polycounter lvl 12
WayForward is looking for a UI artist with experience designing game menus and HUD. The candidate must have strong design skills and a good understanding of UI for games. We're looking for someone highly skilled in industry standard tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, Etc.) who can bring a lot of ideas and creativity to the UI design of the game.

Design and create compelling and intuitive user interfaces for a games on console, PC, and mobile platforms
Communicate and collaborate with team members to effectively provide the best possible UI solutions
Contribute to the design of the UI when necessary
Maintain a high quality standard for all work within a deadline driven environment

2 or more years industry experience
Strong illustration skills
Highly organized and responsible
A deep understanding of UI usability issues
Ability to adapt to multiple visual styles
Self-directed and highly motivated
Passion for making and playing games

WayForward is located in Santa Clarita, California. This an on-site position.

To apply email your application to:  jobs@wayforward.com for more information.

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