I've been meaning to really dive into art for a while and started live streaming my efforts on twitch. Finished this bit of overwatch fan art but I don't have a sense of judgement when it comes to what i'm doing wrong and what needs help. Anyone care to lend some advice?

I find, especially when learning or as a beginner, it is always cool to embrace a topic that you already really like, be it fanart, landscapes, characters; whatever keeps you moving. I like the dreamy atmosphere and find you caught the afternoon color-set.
There is quite a bunch of things you can improve in this image though:
You established perspective, but it doesn't feel realistic yet. You might want to research how vanishing points can help you with that.
The depth of this image comes from overlapping objects, but colors and contrasts behave differently when placed in the background.
Overall, I find the composition isn't that on spot. Who's the star ? The character ? The temple ? There are many resources around the web on how to present object X interestingly and why, you might want to google this topic and also look into tutorials for photography, just as illustration, as the same design principles apply.
For the beginning I can highly recommend trying to copy things from real life, as it helps you to understand how to draw any texture or appeal you need from a reference. Drawing a rock sounds like something anybody could do, but grass, bark, even the simplest things are something that can throw you off your intention, if you don't develop an affinity for solving visual problems; so still lifes are incredibly helpful with that.
If you're not familiar with them already I can highly recommend the following sites:
Ctrl+Paint https://www.ctrlpaint.com/ (Quick lessons on specific subjects)
Feng Zhu Design Cinema https://www.youtube.com/user/FZDSCHOOL/videos (Tons of great videos, very industry specific sometimes, also long)
Line Of Action: https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/ (For studying anatomy)
Don't forget to have fun; and if you ever wonder what you should draw next, pick something you're not good at and repeat it until you are! :-)
Thank you so much the feedback means a ton! I do have a lot to study up on, I was not familiar with Line of Action but was with the other 2. I'll make sure to look further into the things you mentioned and try to improve on that!
As I was coming up with the composition for the image I did attempt to use the rule of thirds to make the character the focal point, I'm not sure if maybe my execution was wrong or i set it up wrong?
Also perspective has never been my strong suit so i think I already have an idea for the first thing to start studying!
Again thank you so much for the feedback it means so much to me to improve!