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WIP - Characters: Mzsa and Phen

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rveb null

I have been working on these two characters in Zbrush.. Currently working to get them out of zbrush with decent topography and UVs on all the subtools so that I can work on them in QuixelDDO. 
The goal is to have them together in a scene-- either in Unreal or Arnold.
I am relatively unexperienced with this phase of the the process and have been trying to work up the courage to start a thread here -- so I can hear from you pros and hopefully learn a thing or two..

To start I guess getting feedback on character design would be nice. Then any tips on how I can speed up the process of retopo and UVing. 

For each subtool I am zremeshing to get he best edge flow i can, with the lowest poly count (while keeping silhouette intact). Not always possible so for a couple i have retopo'd in MAYA. I then am using UV master trying to get the seams in decent placement... which is hard to do with UVMaster apparently. Unwrapping by poly groups has helped some... Then with decent topo and UV I am projecting detail back on to the subtool from the full detail model.. Then I am exporting out the normal map, the displacement, and polypaint for DDO's ID map. 

note: no eyebrows and hair is place holder.. will be doing this with cards in Maya 

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