Hi everyone. I'm having a problem with my dress. I've followed the tutorial on how to attach the fabric onto the mesh but when it renders, the bottom part of the dress starts to stretch the fabric.
I have a perfect UV Layout so i really don't know what it could be
Can someone help please
The cloth pattern doesn't seem to follow your UVs at all. Are you using a projection for texture? Is there another UV set at play here? And what about the crazy colors in your UV screenshot? I can't easily explain why moving causes it to rotate and scale instead- is this a static mesh or is it weighted to some skeleton or deformer, maybe without a clean history?
Sorry if I'm not explaining well, I don't really use Maya.
- My mesh is static, brought in by obj, deleted its history
- The crazy colours is my ID map. Don't know why its showing the ID map :S
- Not sure what you mean by projection, I'll look that up now