I'm actually impressed. I didn't expect to see the things I was hoping for in the UV improvements, but there they are. Hopefully the update hits regular maya before too long. I normally use LT but since I got a full licence I've been using that, and kind of surprised how slow they were to roll out the LT features into the main program
What kind of deformers, besides delta mush, does Maya LT have that would make this skinning decomposition tool interesting? Is the bake to deformers tool capable of converting complex simulations to bones without an established hierarchy?
If blendshapes work in LT you can covert your blendshape based facerig into a bone driven one. Very powerful, great that this plugin found its way into Maya.
I've been using Update 3's UV editor, and I'm not much a fan of the changes. Removing the buttons on the actual main UI and converting it into a 3ds Max UV UI was just a plain poor design decision. The design itself originally prior to this update was perfectly fine. I don't see why the need to change it at all. To be fair, the addition to the side panel (max style) isn't terrible, but I wouldn't have designed it to make it a dependency for the user. to make the most of the core functions of UV mapping from the one that was there prior.
The other change I wasn't too stoked with, is the new mouse-over hot menu layout with their new functions. Which really slowed my workflow down. In short, it's a learning curve again and the process is slower than before, and probably requires a hotkey setup to make the most of it.
If I could slate the button icons into the main window top, then that would be boss.
The good though, they've added an unfold brush, and straighten uv, and shell commands along with some others that are very helpful. Also the quad draw tool display improvements/additions are very helpful to the retopo work that can be done. I'm looking forward to Maya 2018 though.
I haven't had a chance to try it yet myself Matt, but I'm wondering if the issue you're having is strictly the lack of the buttons up top now? If that's the case, that's not too bad.. It's annoying for some, but I think most of those commands are(were?) accessible via right click menu, or shift right click. See if that's still the case. I just know that a majority of my unwrapping I don't touch those buttons for anything but welding points and mirroring
Hey, so you were right. For whatever reason, the Autodesk Desktop App doesn't show/download updates for my Maya LT install, even after reinstalling, so I was on the base release. I downloaded all 3 updates directly from Autodesk and now I have the new features.
Does anyone if there's an easy way in this new update to unwrap a winding road into a perfectly straight strip?
I know you can do this in 3ds max by selecting an edge and hitting "wrap" in the uv modifier and presto. I was hoping Maya can do it as well.
I don't know if there's a dedicated tool for this, but I found a workaround.
-Unitize. -Move and sew edge ring (-1 edge where you want your cut). -Optimize. -Orient Shell. -Straighten UVs. -Unfold legacy > constrain Horizontal (helps remove distortion from the longer faces). -Layout, scale, cut into smaller strips, or whatever you want to do with it.
I wish there was a way to make macros in Maya, as opposed to copy pasting and editing Mel commands for a script.
it does work for me... unfold did the start... i rotated the shell und hit straighten...
Thats the wrong video :P
You method works though
I did watch the video about UVs before I posted but I didn't think straighten would work on something so imperfect, I thought it was meant for minor adjustments but you have proven me wrong. Seems like the workflow now is more or less just Unfold, Orient and Straighten.
This was just an example though, I hope this works on more complex paths like the 3ds max tool. Thanks a lot.
I've left Maya to go Houdini for almost a year at this point. Out of curiosity is Nightshade still being developed as I still use it occasionally on Maya 2015 ?
I've left Maya to go Houdini for almost a year at this point. Out of curiosity is Nightshade still being developed as I still use it occasionally on Maya 2015 ?
I believe nightshade functions are now a part of maya 2017 update 3 natively.
really handy for games...
The other change I wasn't too stoked with, is the new mouse-over hot menu layout with their new functions. Which really slowed my workflow down. In short, it's a learning curve again and the process is slower than before, and probably requires a hotkey setup to make the most of it.
If I could slate the button icons into the main window top, then that would be boss.
The good though, they've added an unfold brush, and straighten uv, and shell commands along with some others that are very helpful. Also the quad draw tool display improvements/additions are very helpful to the retopo work that can be done. I'm looking forward to Maya 2018 though.
Custom Shelf
Displays a custom shelf. You can add UV Editor items to the shelf by Ctrl + Shift + clicking them, or add dividers by right-clicking.
Does anyone if there's an easy way in this new update to unwrap a winding road into a perfectly straight strip?
I know you can do this in 3ds max by selecting an edge and hitting "wrap" in the uv modifier and presto. I was hoping Maya can do it as well.
I don't know if there's a dedicated tool for this, but I found a workaround.
-Move and sew edge ring (-1 edge where you want your cut).
-Orient Shell.
-Straighten UVs.
-Unfold legacy > constrain Horizontal (helps remove distortion from the longer faces).
-Layout, scale, cut into smaller strips, or whatever you want to do with it.
I wish there was a way to make macros in Maya, as opposed to copy pasting and editing Mel commands for a script.
maybe you need to move some point but its working fine...
You method works though
I did watch the video about UVs before I posted but I didn't think straighten would work on something so imperfect, I thought it was meant for minor adjustments but you have proven me wrong. Seems like the workflow now is more or less just Unfold, Orient and Straighten.
This was just an example though, I hope this works on more complex paths like the 3ds max tool. Thanks a lot.
Edit: nevermind, I Found it. for anyone that wants to know.
View> Check on Custom Shelf> Ctrl + Shift to add uv tools
interactive grooming looks fun...
i have to try the convert to poly workflow...