The Game I am making is a 2D Action Adventure game inspired by 90's Rare Games like Conker and Banjo & Kazooie. Music wise its more like Banjo, and story / Gameplaywise its more like Conker Badfurday. So if you have a thing for drawing cute things with big eyes, this is the game for you to work on.
The Art I need can be SNES styled pixel art like this image ( or like this can't pay you anything. But if you help me create the the following art I will share whatever the game sells for with you and my music composers.
I need a titlescreen ( I have a image already, but its way to amateur to be used in the finalcut of the game)
I need a Game Over Screen - Maybe even several.
I need facesets for Chatbubbles - I got tons of interesting characters you can work on ( I draw the sprites my self )
I need 2D Picture Styled Cutscenes - like 2-4 Different Images in 1 Cutscene
I need art like clouds, Night skies etc
Contact me here or on my youtube or Instagram channel - NoLoot Studios
Here is a really old version of my game if you need to get the feel for it (the current version is far superior though)