Hi guys,
Just wondering what you are doing to making the max viewport more appealing, if anything?
In Maya and MODO is think stuff always looks great, but I cant say the same for Max. I always end up setting lights or ambient environments etc to make the modelling look more appealing.
Currently, I press "8" to open the environment tab. There I set the global lighting level to 1.3 and an ambient color other than black.
It looks better, but still not as sexy as other programs, imo.
In other scenes I have also set up a simple light dome.
So im just curious, are you guys doing anything to change the default view\lighting\shading in 3ds max?
If so, what?
I used to use PowerPreview for rendering anims, but I haven't done that for a while.
Edit: Powerpreview would need an update for Max 2017 changes in viewport settings interface. It still works, but is somewhat unsynced from the different reshuffled options introduced with Max 2017.