Hey. I had the idea to combine 3 standard commands in one toggle.
Originally selected face. When you press one key is too much between the outer vertices, edges, and a return to the inner face or the face group.
I think it's quite simple to implement with the help of programming and it will be a useful tool. I am hope for your help. Thank you!
I had the idea to combine 3 standard commands in one toggle.
Originally selected face. When you press one key is too much between the outer vertices, edges, and a return to the inner face or the face group.
Perhaps I did not quite understand the meaning of your message in the subject. I do not speak very well in English.
To use it, load up your script editor, paste the code below in mel, and middle mouse drag it to a shelf.
Every time you click the script, it will convert selection. Face -> Vertex -> Edge and repeat.
Ok this should work.
Kudos to c.buliarca for the modified uv-to face code that i used.
This is awesome :-) Thanks for taking the time to do it mate !