Hey guys
I converted a BVH mocap to a BIP via the Biped's "Motion Capture" tab.
I then got the BIP applied, and exported the animation as an FBX.
Two issues I noticed;
- All the keys' tension are set to 50
- BIP file is 382 KB (which is nice) but the FBX export of the rig (no mesh) is 9847 KB
The funny thing is every attempt in reducing file size (FBX export settings) only increased the file size (up to 8900 KB at times)
Any help appreciated, please let me know if I can provide useful info.
Also I'm really curious what's in the gap between the 382 KB animation and the 9847 KB animation, the biped rig can't be that heavy.. and they're the same amount of keys...
Yup, I tried pretty much everything there, key reduction and curve filtering actually increased my file size! Not sure how that works...
My current setting is the lowest FBX size I can get without determining animation accuracy (9847 KB)
That setting is creating a keyframe every frame.
Adding the step value just adds all bones keys on that frame cycle only, which is a drag because I can't decide which keys are important and which are not, and manually cleaning the keys would be a waste of time in the end.
Is there another animation export format that can have my keys the way I set them in max? for Unity.
Thanks for the embed reminder.
Thank you.
Which is nice.