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Anatomy studies CC


I slowly  started working on my anatomy skills besides uni work, starting with a torso, and I would like to ask for anybody if they could tear me a new one on every mistake ! Feel free to download the images and draw over them as much as you like, Ill try to post progress on everything weekly. 

Thanks to everybody who contributes !


  • JacqueChoi
    Offline / Send Message
    JacqueChoi polycounter
    start with your landmarks.

    Your interclavicular fossa is too far out.

    Your top 2 abs should rest slightly above the ribcage (so be like half the length),  The menubrium (sternum) should indent and lead to a striation, and the Clavicle is more of an 'S' shape.

    The Acromion should be much more pronounced 'rectangle' and in the back should lead to the spine of the scapula.

    Your Teres Major is supposed to go into the armpit (inserts into the humerus).

    There should be 4 Serratus Anterior inter-digitations, with the top one going into the pectoral (The 5th is a striation).

    hope this helps!

  • f1ey
    Offline / Send Message
    f1ey polycounter lvl 7
    best advise which I can provide use simmetry 
    and I can imagine you just copy real body which is bad
  • ArNavart
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    ArNavart polycounter lvl 2
    Hi,  @Decayed_core! I really think that you're starting, either in the wrong place or with the wrong tool. Hope you're not going to hate me lol,  let me explain, based on my experience, if you want to learn anatomy in zbrush it's better to go from big to small (you're actually starting somewhere in the middle), before going into details establish main body form: 3 main masses - head, rib cage, pelvis and their mutual positions in 3D space,  then limbs, then biggest masses: pectoralis, shoulder mass - scapula, latissimi dorsi, etc, then the rest.
    Or if you want to start with separate body pieces, I'd advice to do that on the stack of paper with a pencil.
    Of course, these two methods aren't exclusive towards each other.
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