Hello everyone, this is my 1st post here

This is a personal project for my portfolio, that i have been working on for a while.
I would like to hear your C&C to help me finish it the best way possible.
Any comments are more than welcome.
Model from maya :

and model from ZBrush :

The metal cable on the rear looks a bit thick and heavy imho. But otherwise its coming along great so far.
Thanks for your comment,
I will try to fix it
Anyone else ?
The parts that I marked as red feel "off" to me because it has this big contrast between detailed and.. simple? I am not a modeller so I can't really explain it, but maybe this will help! Maybe adding a few panels and keeping a more cohesive feeling all around would really push it. Anyway, nice man.
It is very usefull,
I didnt finish with sculpting , so i will definitely try to fix it
Thanks one more time
I am going to make game model, so i will use substance painter for texturing