Loving it so far! Much steeper learning curve than I expected. I thought it might be a dumbed down fighting system but its quite deep and requires some homework before jumping in and button mashing. I did find it a little frustrating to start with but once you understand it a little more its loads of fun! If you're struggling I recommend sticking with it and looking for a hero you like.
Anyhoo, I'm trying to sport the Greentooth Army emblem. I'm one custom symbol slot away from being able to add that 2nd eye. I've tried a few configurations but this is as good as I can get it. If anyone can work out a better way, please share. Teeth are done with the checker background decal rotated if you're wondering. Then simple shapes over the top. Eye scale is at smallest it can as well. I would make it smaller if I could.
You need to choose Viking Faction (The "best" faction) to get Circle emblem btw.

you can easily make a toothless Greentooth, but it aint the same ;(

Damn this game looks impressive.
You can access the emblem editor on the website as well. https://game-forhonor.ubisoft.com and there is already a subreddit for your custom designs. https://www.reddit.com/r/ForHonorEmblems/ I haven't played it enough yet to really dive into the emblem stuff, but I definitely plan to!
I tried out the most recent closed beta and the open beta, and i definitely hit the no-fun steep-learning-curve-wall pretty hard. Closed beta on PS4 and open beta on PC and i got to say far less frustrating on PC for me, but still getting killed round after round wasnt great. I hear if you do the hidden away advanced tutorials it will help out with the learning curve a bit but i didnt get a chance to try those out myself.
And awesome work slipsius, cinematics look ace
unfortunately not the kind of game I like to play
And thanks for sharing the online emblem editor. Had a mess around with it and I've discovered you can scale things differently and get into negative scale. So I can get smaller eyes, etc. There is also a bit of inconsistency between what is done in the online editor and the in game (Probably a bug...dont tell anyone though, its working for me xD ). You can see the result here. But once in game its easy to tweak the emblem to get the correct result. Anyway. Getting real close to a good Greentooth. Just those annoying bits at the side of the mouth. But when the logo is small or on character its not very noticeable.
Break down:
Background = 45 degree checker pattern
S1 = semi circle to cover top half (Green)
S2 = semi circle lower jaw (Green)
S3 = Eye (Black)
S4 = Eye (Black)
S5 = Semi circle mouth inner (Black)
Not to mention, the matchmaking is awful. It drops new players in with multi prestige players (crazy that they exist already).
This is one of the games I've been excited about, ever since I played one of the early alphas. Now, I'm not sure if I'll ever end up owning it, unless it gets addressed quickly, while it still has a community of players
Having said that I haven't had much issue other than some server connection trouble and the odd timeout. The lag in game hasn't been game breaking like the above video. There have been times when I've just thought my timing has been completely off, but now I'm questioning if it was a server issue... If I were more competitive though these little issues would drive me insane.
Anyway, lets hope they fix it as they did with R6. It is still a very cool game regardless imo.
(Disclaimer* Not biased, if it were bad I wouldn't play nor defend it.)
I honestly really want to get the game, but I don't need another game to rage at (which I started doing a lot of, during the final beta). I had points, while streaming it, where I was yelling at the game, and clicking my controller into the mic, to demonstrate how I was trying to roll out of an attack, and my player just kept taking hits. Blocking became almost pointless, because it never registered. I was really hoping there would be improvements to the final product.
I also really hate the server migration, when a player leaves. It should be seamless, instead of pausing gameplay for everyone.
And remaining silent to the community is the worst thing they can do. Right now, there is a lot of anger on their forums, and no responses from Ubisoft, or the devs. If they updated the community on what they are addressing, it may help maintain the community, before frustration drives the players to sell their game to gamestop. I think Ubisoft has something really unique, and fun, in this game, but they are letting it slip between their fingers.
Its funny. I logged in last night to play only to have lots of difficulty joining, when I did eventually get in, the game stalled and kicked everyone. Pretty annoying, so I just turned it off. I doubt i'll be playing anything other that the single player campaign or AI games till its sorted. Which is fine, because playing AI is pretty fecking difficult. Although they can be easily "cheesed", but in general they are better than a lot of players i've faced. The AI is definitely some of the best I've seen in a game for a while and not just because they have AI reflexes. They seem to adapt and often use suprise tactics (like running away in 2v2 to gank the other player).
Anyway. It does pain me seeing any games with beautiful art and such awesome potential being let down by the "simple" (it probably wasn't simple, but I'm just a artist with little knowledge of such things) choice not to go with dedicated servers. I'm sure there are good reasons but the consumer generally doesn't give a shit about that, they just want a smooth experience. Which is lacking atm.
Yeah, sorry, I think I mixed Slipsius' earlier comment (about working on it), and your signature.
I agree, during the beta, the AI was almost more difficult than most regular players. I figured I'd get warmed up, with some AI battles, and got my ass handed to me, a few times. I thought it was myself, being rusty, then my friends joined me, and said the same. I definitely appreciate that, over some ignorant AI, running into the corner of the map.
The AI is shockingly difficult. Playing with some friends, we had more trouble with the AI than with real people for the majority of our matches. Then you run into a player that knows the move states and you just crap your pants after being beat so F'ing fast. haha
So far I've really enjoyed the game, the warlord class has really cool combat tho the headbutt seems to be a bit overpowered
Some classes seem a bit unbalanced like the Nabushi but that I bet will be fixed over time
And ofc the art is really good too!
Steam: Mr.PeeberNutter
Uplay: WillK805