Hey guys, for some odd reason,X-view inside Max is showing me 1000 vertices as overlapping. I tired welding them with tolerance 0,01 but nothing happened. I also clicked and moved them around, just to check where others are, but there are none. Still, max shows them as green. Any idea how to fix that ?
But could it be that you unintentionally duplicated your polies in sub object mode ? Like having a element selected and click move while holding shift ? Those vertices would'nt weld, because the belong the seperated elements....
You can add a turbosmooth, it helps to spot issues.
Symmetry is entirely capable of generating shite like that.
To diagnose...
1 turn on backface culling and look at the back side of the object in wire frame, if you can see edges then there's your problem.
2 marquee select each visible vert in turn and check how many are actually selected, if it's more than one then there's your problem
3 select edges and see how long they are, you might need to click through - there's a chance you'll have one that's doing something wacky.
Practically speaking though, on an object that simple I'd simply delete the problem verts and reconstruct the geometry cleanly.