really neat design! I think your materials could use some work if you're up for it. your character's clothes all look like the same gloss/shine would be nice to differentiate a bit. the instrument is quite grungy compared to your character who looks very clean, they look like they exist in separate styled worlds. I think either make the synthilyzer more clean, or add some wear and tear to your guy.
Tectonic Thanks. I've already started to mess around with the dudes materials a little bit more, I'll take a look at the keytar when I have some time. Thanks for your feedback.
In contrary to what Tectonic was saying, I think its alright if his clothes are cleaner and more put together than the keytar. An instrument is something expensive and loved that you take around with you and experiences wear and tear while your clothes you replace and buy new ones of. A little bit of wear is alright on clothes but I wouldn't do too much to them. Maybe his shoes could get some wear and tear on them as they tend to get a bit more beat up than jeans and tshirts and jackets.
Tectonic Thanks. I've already started to mess around with the dudes materials a little bit more, I'll take a look at the keytar when I have some time. Thanks for your feedback.