So I've been building a rig for this model which needs to be duplicated in the scene. When I apply the bones to the skin modifier on my model, it looks fine, as can be seen on the right. But then when I make a copy of that model, as seen on the left, the bones jump to the floor and warp the model. I'm guessing this has something to do with Resetting Xform, (I can be mistaken) but if I were to do that on the rig, it would mess up the entire build.
Does anyone have experience with something similar or know how I might go about fixing this without building an entirely new rig? Much appreciated!
Now you can just create the skinned rig as a Cat preset as many times as you like with no naming/hierarchy dependencies.
Also, you can use the 'create character' tool to group the rig to a root node and merge it to the scene.