Shadowark Studios - Runes of Knightslore3D Medieval RPG, Higher Poly, PC Based
Synopsis of Story: Five kingdoms are in unity and harmony with
each other, each holds an elemental rune. One day a thief steals four of
the runes, by then the news reaches the 5th kingdom, which is the Fire
Rune. The rune knight is ready and sets a decoy for the the thief. The
fire rune knight must set out to find the stolen runes and once again
restore peace and harmony to the kingdoms.
Progress: We are still in the beginning stages, however much is
completed for the mechanics with the programmer, we have a dozen
mid-poly models, some testing has been done, we have a good back story,
modern day and storyline with tutorial that is always being updated and
built weekly, etc. A website will be built in a couple months.
Funding Style: Profit Sharing. This game will be on kickstarter
this summer to help raise funds for the completion of the game as well
as for marketing it.
The Team:- 2 Programmers
- 3 Modelers
- 1 Female Voice Actor
- 1 Music Composer
- 1 2D Texture Artist / Writer
- 2 Concept Artists
- 1 Level Designer
What we are looking for:- Character Modeler
- Animator
How To Join: I am the co-producer and very active on this forum.
You can either reply to this post or send me a direct PM. I should be
able to reply in less than 24 hours.
Here are some screenshots:
