Years ago I loved that cool 3d max plugin but since they inserted it inside , I no more able to use it. Kind of example of "better is enemy of good" Slow, hardly interactive, over complicated and too low level for an artist with a lot of puzzles and choices irrelevant to art tasks.
In a word I'd like to find an alternative . Something I would use for shader prototypes /examples to programmer and doing subtle tweaks. A bit more complex than what's available within Blender node network , still same easy to use , same instantly interactive, having node bypass command, with baking branch to texture etc.
I also agree that in the end I think ShaderFX might have gone a bit to off the deep-end with the technical stuff by exposing every tiny thing. Some love it, but for pure artists its become too technical.
What's bother me now is that with 3dmax2017 I can't edit blending values and see result immediately . I see first some checker texture for a second. It wasn't that bad with old plugin as I remember it and in Blender ,in comparision, GLSL mode works with a speed of light with its nodes. I especially love its "M" node bypass an how I can output any grayscale or color node combination to anything, including output node directly to see exactly what certain combination does visually at any flow stage.
Too bad programmer says he don't understand what Blender nodes do till I find and point him an exact parts of source code which in turn just abracadabra for me.
Shader Forge in Unity is nice.!/content/14147
Amplify Shader Editor in Unity is nice!/content/68570
Even in Houdini they started to offer actual tools, simple to use like a hammer , not just a big construction sandbox aka "lay programmer off and do your own tools first"
if you add a "Material Variable" node in StringrayPBS or a float-node witg "expose as material input', it should update without having to recompile (which causes the checker).
also check for tutorials by Kodde and others.
And use the Maya shaderfx help pages (online), they are much better then the Max ones and most of it is the same.
@Kodde: dont worry. No plans to remove the fun stuff
Still it's pretty inconvenient with necessity to switch windows imo.
Also I am curious about Stingray . It looks like having PBR output material pretty close to our own. I wonder if it's possible to export HLSL code form ShaderFX the way a programmer could adapt it to any other engine or borrow some part at least? I remember old plugin could do it? In a word is it useful for anything beyond Stingrey game engine?
ps. One more question : Is it possible to bake some node based tweaking back to textures in Shader FX somehow?