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Baking window light map (realistic) ?

polycounter lvl 8
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AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
Hello Artist and polycount awesome community. Need to bake lights on window/glass in 3dsmax.
I have some samples from thief 3 deadly shadows :
Need to learn it from scratch. Also want know while i am baking the light, is it needed to apply transparent or what?
Any help is appreciate.


  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    anyone ? Does my question looks complicated or what?
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    I don't understand what the problem is, what are you trying to bake it from. Have you tried anything yet.
  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    thats it, i need to know how should i. there are several ways but i am confused which way to use. 
    i searched for creating light map , i have found some examples but they are not about game art, which it is "Complete map" render to texture in 3dsmax. i want to know how these textures from the games are made(from start to finish).
    there are quite no clearly described topic in the net about this. or even if there is, the images are broken since they are old.

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    You could just multiply the base/diffuse color with some value, and plug it into self illumination/emissive to have emissive on it in the material. And you could also have a mask , a black and white texture for the frames, that is blended in some way with this emissive thing. The brightness/lightness of the final emissive output would determine how much you can see it in a fully shadowed conditon.

    Though, maybe you want to solve this differently depending on the case.
  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    Obscura said:
    You could just multiply the base/diffuse color with some value, and plug it into self illumination/emissive to have emissive on it in the material. And you could also have a mask , a black and white texture for the frames, that is blended in some way with this emissive thing. The brightness/lightness of the final emissive output would determine how much you can see it in a fully shadowed conditon.

    Though, maybe you want to solve this differently depending on the case.
    oh yes, i did not think about emissive. thanks !
  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    though, there is an issue. if an object has alpha, i think it wont emit :wink:
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Can you actually ever see through the glass? In the examples posted, there would be no reason to make it transparent.
  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    Joopson said:
    Can you actually ever see through the glass? In the examples posted, there would be no reason to make it transparent.
    excellent point :smile:
    yep right after i posted the question i thought some one would say that.
  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    Hopefully i did it. thanks for the info :smiley:  i will publish a video tutorial for it. from scratch to engine import and etc.
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