Hey friends,
Here is my most recent render that I would like to present to you guys. First I've attached a couple final renders, following that you'll see some of my breakdown for this piece.

Breakdown: This render was done in Arnold (Maya 2017), I started off with capturing one of my office buddies using Photogrammetry. This supplied the 3d Mesh and Color texture. After processing all of the camera data with Reality Capture, I went through and cleaned up the mesh. Getting rid of all of the artifacts and hair. After that I did a quick ZRemesh retopo, then baked the color texture.

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Here you can see a GIF of my look development for the skin and hair shadingThe Skin shading was quite difficult and took lots of trial and error. I extracted the other maps (specular, displacement, cavity, roughness etc.) all from the color texture.
Here is the tutorial I followed for figuring out skin shading, big thanks to Arvid Schneider for his quality work!

The next step was getting a handle on Xgen, this was my second project which incorporated the chaotic program. I've developed a love/hate relationship with Xgen, you have to figure out its quirks and learn to use them to your advantage. One pro tip that I learned from
@the_moik was to generate hair tubes in Zbrush which allows for an awesome previs of your hair flow.
Check his guide out here!Below is my final Xgen Curve setup and my Node setup for the Skin Shader.
I hope you enjoyed this breakdown of my render. Head on over to my
Artstation for much higher quality renders. Let me know what you think. Cheers

The ones I input into Maya are
Apologies for the late reply! >.<
Hi Polaroid,
I work for a photogrammetry company which outputs quality scans using 130+ cameras. If you tell me what you're working with I can point you in the right direction.
1 camera? Multiple? What program do you build with, Agisoft or RC?
sorry for the late reply! >.<