Hopefully this isn't inappropriate for this forum. I don't see this being discussed anywhere but since I know the guy who is building it I wanted to promote his work. He is building a game engine by himself and it's rather impressive. He is doing this for his own game project. He has worked on it for years but only recently has he really been pushing out regular updates.
The game is called Stonequest and I assume the game engine has the same name ( I never thought to ask ). All objects in the video link below is real-time, in-engine and EVERYTHING is procedurally generated including the dragon. The real beauty to this thing, besides the procedural part, is in the geometry which he calls micro-geometry.
Being fully procedural there are no models to load so when you see grass each blade is generated, each leaf on a tree is an individual leaf, every rock, plant, flower (petals, leafs, etc.) are all procedurally generated individual objects. Procedural generation has been around for a long time but this is the best example of its use for game engines I have seen to-date (I have been keeping tabs on engines for decades).
The reason I post this is because he doesn't promote himself. He's not asking for money (he does have a donation button on his website) , doesn't have a crowd-funding campaign (he balks at the idea when I bring it up) and insists on finishing the project alone. It would be great if he could see just how impressive his project is. However, if there are other equally or more impressive engines out there being developed by a single person I would really love to see it.
(The music is cheesy, there is a lot of work left to do but considering what is already finished it is already very impressive. )
The tech demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w7oxaLxoQ8Here is a video of his recently included wind system.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzHaSuAJt8wA video about his microgeometry system